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Finding Your Workday Application Management Services (AMS) Partner: A Marriage of Success

Written by Mike Brown | May 31, 2024 3:31:05 PM

You are looking for an Application Managed Services partner but are overwhelmed with the different options. At The Groove, a few of us are getting married and are in the thick of planning our weddings. We were discussing the different buying decisions and factors involved, such as how to select the best wedding planner, how much should you spend on invitations, and how to approach planning a second marriage differently. We found striking parallels between selecting a life partner and choosing the right Application Managed Services partner.

Just as in marriage, there are phases to navigate – courtships, dating, and marriage ­– each step is crucial in shaping your success. As you embark on this journey, consider these key factors to ensure finding the perfect AMS partner. Like finding a life partner, the process of selecting an AMS partner involves understanding your needs and priorities, evaluating compatibility and long-term potential, and ensuring ongoing communication and support.


Finding Your Application Management Services Partner


The Pre-Dating Phase (Self-evaluation prior to selecting an AMS partner):

Before even reaching the courtship phase, it's vital to go through a "predating" phase, which involves self-assessment and understanding your own needs and expectations. In the context of AMS, this means conducting a thorough analysis of your business requirements, identifying gaps in your current processes, and defining clear objectives for what you want to achieve with the partnership. This self-awareness ensures that when you start looking for potential partners, you have a well-defined criterion to guide your selection process.

  1. Define your end goals - Is your organization looking for self-sufficiency? Are you looking to supplement your internal team, or do you want an outsourced support model? Are you stuck in Hypercare and feel like the stabilization is never in sight?
  1. Identify critical support areas - Are certain areas experiencing lower-than-expected user adoption? Is your team fighting for internal technical resources to manage your integration portfolio? Are you building a library of shelfware and not able to uptake new features in a timely manner?
  1. Establish metrics for success - With any spend, your business, agency, or institution will need to measure the return on investment and factor in future costs. Have you defined your key performance indicators to gauge progress against your roadmap and strategize enhancements with your Application Managed Services partner? How will you work with this AMS partner to ensure optimal success?
  2. Assess your current partner - If you have a current AMS partner, are they meeting your needs or is it time to explore new options? Your partner should offer comprehensive consultation for cross functional or integration impacts, deliver measurable results and trend analysis, recommend innovative technology solutions, and enhance end-user adoption.

The Courtship Phase (Assessing your AMS partner capabilities):

In the early stages, akin to courtship, it’s essential to assess the potential AMS partner's capabilities, reputation, and alignment with your business objectives. Just as you would evaluate a prospective spouse’s values and life goals, ensure that the AMS provider shares your vision for growth and innovation.

  1. Business Goals - Are they asking about your business goals? Are they aligning their support activities to help ensure successful outcomes of your business’s goals?

  2. Practitioner/Consultant Experience - Are the Workday consultants at your partner firm adept at empathizing with your teams’ challenges and providing thorough support solutions with a practitioner mindset? Is your current partner delivering solutions at the level of expertise you require?  

  3. Industry Knowledge - Does your partner communicate with you in understandable industry terms? Is your AMS partner a leader in adopting and deploying new industry-based solutions within Workday, or do they lag behind?

The Dating Phase (Evaluation of your AMS partner):

During the dating phase, gauging responsiveness, expertise, and cultural fit. This period helps in identifying any red flags and understanding how well the AMS partner adapts to your business environment. Many times, support partners adhere to a standard operating model, offering transaction-based services rather than outcome-based services.

  1. Pricing/Flexibility - While pricing is a very important aspect, are you considering the broader value of support services beyond just cost? If discussions solely focus on consumption hours and rates, does it signal a need to start “dating other people”?  

  2. Service Delivery - Is your AMS partner guiding your organization through your Workday journey? Are they sharing common solutions, experiences, and networks above and beyond your initial ask? What sort of innovation are they providing, both within Workday and beyond Workday? Do they share the work they have completed for other clients? Do they let you talk to their clients, learn from each other, and build an extended community?

  3. Measuring Success - Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, how does the partner measures success for you? Are you experiencing growth and improvement in your Workday usage, or are you questioning the return on your investment? Overall, are you happy in this relationship?

The Marriage Phase (Selection of your AMS partner):

Finally, the marriage phase signifies a long-term commitment where both parties work collaboratively towards mutual success. This involves establishing clear expectations, transparent communication, and continuous improvement strategies. Like a successful marriage, a strong partnership with an AMS provider thrives on trust, adaptability, and shared goals. Once your partner has been selected, carry forward your blueprint as a living document and review it continuously with your Application Managed Services Partner. A reliable partner encourages this communication, facilitates opportunities for refinement and improvement, and supports you in seamlessly adapting to changes.

The Groove is your Partner in Application Managed Services

 By carefully navigating these phases, you can find an AMS partner who not only supports your immediate needs but also evolves with you, ensuring sustained growth and success. At The Groove, we have over 15+ years-experience in helping organizations unlock their full Workday value with a dynamic, comprehensive Application Management Services model. Our experience spans 1,000+ Workday clients. Let us help you explore possibilities and guide you to achieve your objectives with a human-centered approach, a collaborative spirit, and a robust support system. Contact The Groove to discuss your needs.